Dr. Matthias Orlowski is a partner at MKRG and specialises in construction and architectural law, providing both advisory and forensic services relating to real-estate and construction law as well as public procurement law.
The focal point of his services is the contractual design of building projects and the provision of legal advice during the execution of these projects. He has extensive technical know-how, combined with many years of experience in the field of architectural and engineering law and building information modelling (BIM). Dr. Orlowski represents the interests of his clients, both in court and arbitration proceedings, as well as out of court. In the field of procurement law he supports a wide range of public-private partnership projects, predominantly in (municipal) construction (schools, clinics), and advises banks on the financing of these projects. He also gives lectures on the subject of construction and architectural law as well as on public procurement law. Since the beginning of 2016, Dr. Matthias Orlowski has been chairman of the working group on construction contract law in the North Rhine Westphalia section of the German Association for Construction Law.
Dr. Matthias Orlowski has been with MKRG since 2007, as a partner since 2013. He had previously worked with a number of other corporate law firms in various capacities since 2003.
Fields of operation
- Drafting and negotiating planning and construction contracts
- Support for building projects with legal advice
- Advice on project development
- Advice on the letting and renting of property
- Advice on the management of property
- Advice on project financing
- Advice on proceedings relating to land-use planning and building permits
- Advice services and support for public tenders and contract award procedures
- Assessment of risks in relation to construction and real-estate law
- Drawing up of legal appraisals and opinions
- Representing clients in court and out-of-court proceedings
- Representation on audits relating to tender awards
Legal fields
- Contract law
- Real-estate law
- Construction law
- Property development law
- Architectural and engineering law
- Real-estate brokerage law
- Sale of property law
- Commercial tenancy law
- Financial law
- Public construction and construction planning law
- Public commercial law
- Municipal law
- Public procurement law
- German
- English
Düsseldorf Bar Association
- Deutscher Anwaltverein (German Association of Lawyers)
- Düsseldorfer Anwaltverein (Düsseldorf Association of Lawyers)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Baurecht e.V. (German Association for Construction Law)
- Institut für Baurecht Freiburg im Breisgau e.V. (Freiburg Institute for Construction Law)
- Deutscher Baugerichtstag e.V. (German Construction Law Conference)
- ARGE Baurecht im DAV (Construction Law Working Group of the German Association of Lawyers)
Contract design (extract)
- Construction of a housing development with underground car park, residential area approx. 6,500 m² (Essen)
- Construction of a housing and commercial development with underground car park (Neuss)
- Construction of a housing development with underground car park, approx. 50 housing units (Bergisch-Gladbach)
- Conversion of an office building into flats, approx. 4.100 m² residential area (Frankfurt a. M.)
- Construction of a housing development with underground car park (Freiburg i. Br.)
- Construction of a housing development, approx. 7,100 m² residential area (Leverkusen)
Legal advice and representation on construction projects (extract)
- Kö-Bogen construction project (Düsseldorf)
- Vodafone-Campus construction project (Düsseldorf)
- “Redarius Quartier” housing development (Aachen)
- “Le Flair” housing development (Düsseldorf)
- “Raphaelhöfe” housing development (Aachen)
- “embeX-Haus” office building (Freiburg i. Br.)
Advice on project financing / due diligence (extract)
- Spin-off of four PPP project companies
- Construction of a ministry building as a PPP project, including legal due diligence (Berlin)
- Construction of a barracks as a PPP project, including legal due diligence (Munich)
- Construction of several schools as a PPP project, including legal due diligence (Frankfurt a.M.)
- Das gesetzliche Bauvertragsrecht – Übersicht und Stellungnahme zum Gesetzesentwurf der Bundesregierung , erscheint voraussichtlich in ZfBR, Heft 5/2016
- Das Ende der Bewährung? – Der Referentenentwurf zur HOAI 2013, in: ZfBR 2013, S. 315 – 322
- Es gibt sie doch: Vergütung von Akquisitionsleistungen, in: BauR 2012, S. 1550-1558
- Im Dutzend billiger II – Fünf Jahre zur Bewährung ? – 12 Eckpunkte zur 6. Novelle der Honorarordnung für Architekten und Ingenieure vom 11.08.2009 -, in: ZfBR 2009, S. 723 – 730
- Ohne Rechnung = Ohne Rechte? – Zu den Rechtsfolgen einer „Ohne-Rechnung-Abrede“, in: BauR 2008, S. 1963 – 1971
- – Im Dutzend billiger? – 12 Eckpunkte zum Referentenentwurf für eine 6. Verordnung der Honorarordnung für Architekten und Ingenieure -, in: ZfBR 2008, S. 533 – 537
- Zulässigkeit und Grenzen der In-House-Vergabe, in: NZBau 2007, S. 80 – 88
- Minderung des Architektenhonorars bei Minderleistungen, in: BauRB 2005, S. 279 – 281
- Rechtsgeschäfte mit dem vorläufigen Insolvenzverwalter, in: BauRB 2005, S. 245 – 248
- Die Zulässigkeit symbolischer Preisangaben bei der öffentlichen Auftragsvergabe, in: BauRB 2005, S. 62 – 64
- Der Erlass von Rechtsverordnungen nach amerikanischem Recht, in: DÖV 2005, S. 133 – 142
Dr. Matthias Orlowski
Lawyer, Partner
Real Estate & Construction
Administration & Procurement
Phone: +49 (0) 211 8 82 92-9
Fax: +49 (0) 211 8 82 92-6
Trinkausstraße 7
40213 Düsseldorf