Thomas Kerkhoff is a partner at MKRG and has been advising companies on the protection of intellectual property rights for many years. In addition, he advises and represents clients on issues relating to competition and anti-trust law, in particular with regard to structuring sales operations, including direct sales and franchising. His advice services often relates to the challenges provided by the competition between bricks-and-mortar retailing and online sales.
Thomas Kerkhoff’s operations in the protection of industrial and intellectual property rights cover strategic trademark consulting and the registration and defence of property rights. His of specialisation also covers copyright and design protection. In cooperation with tax accountants and management consultants he deals with questions of tax structuring and evaluation relating to intellectual property rights, often in connection with the commercial exploitation of such property rights in the form of licensing or sale.
In addition to his advisory operations Thomas Kerkhoff is also involved in the prosecution of breaches of copyright, in particular in cases of product piracy, supported by the extensive MKRG international network.
Thomas Kerkhoff is a founding partner at MKRG, after previously working for other business law firms in various capacities, since 1991 as a partner.
Fields of operation
- Strategic trademark consulting
- The registration and defence of industrial/intellectual property rights
- Consulting on the structuring and assessment of property rights for tax purposes
- Consultancy relating to the exploitation of property rights
- Advice on and defence of infringements of property rights
- Consulting on aspects of sales
Legal fields
- Protection of industrial/intellectual property rights
- Anti-trust law
- Competition law
- IT law
- Distribution law
- German
- English
- Düsseldorf Bar Association
- Verein der Rechtsanwälte am Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf (Association of Lawyers at the Düsseldorf Higher District Court)
- Deutsche Vereinigung für Gewerblichen Rechtschutz GRUR (German Association for the Protection of Industrial/Intellectual Property Rights)
- International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property AIPPI
- Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht (German Anti-trust Law Association)
- INTA International Trademark Association
- ASU Arbeitsgemeinschaft Selbstständiger Unternehmer (Working Group of Self-employed Entrepreneurs)
- Industrie Club Düsseldorf
- Comprehensive trademark administration for a number of prestigious companies and entrepreneurs
- Many years’ experience of representing clients before courts in Germany, the German Patent and Trademark office, the EUIPO and the Federal Patent Court
- Management of an international network in the IP field for the multinational law division of a firm of auditors with worldwide operations
- Representation of an association aimed at achieving the cancellation of 70 trademarks on grounds of fraudulent registration
- Defending a company against claims for compensation relating to breaches of anti-trust legislation in connection with the car glass cartel
- Advising and representing companies and entrepreneurs in the field of catering/system catering
Thomas Kerkhoff
Lawyer, Partner
Corporate & Entrepreneurship
Phone: +49 (0) 211 8 82 92-9
Fax: +49 (0) 211 8 82 92-6
Mobil: +49 (0) 172 21 08 99 9
Trinkausstraße 7
40213 Düsseldorf